If you are unable to visit the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens yourself, you will love browsing through the following pages of pictures. Lilacs are sold only during Lilac Days. Varieties for sale vary by day and the Gardens do not ship lilacs. Please plan to visit the Gardens during Lilac Days and volunteers will work with you to find special lilacs for your garden.

Lilacs like:

  • Good garden soil that is well drained.
  • Add lime if the soil is too acidic.
  • Full exposure to the sun (at least six hours per day).
  • Plenty of space (plant 10-15 feet apart or 8 feet apart for a hedge).
  • Light applications of fertilizer in early spring.
  • Removal of spent blossoms.
  • Prune out tall, older branches to keep blooms at eye level.
  • Many lilacs need cold weather to set blooms. Varieties that don’t need cold to set blooms have been marked with an asterisk in the photo pages.

Hulda Klager Exclusive Varietals

The following lilacs were developed by Hulda Klager: